Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013


My brother one of our obligations to ourselves as much as possible is to try to do good or good deeds, in whatever form we sigh at each of them

     Our eyes to see God’s creation in nature sesmesta this, giving rise to the appeal fikir us to add our faith to God and increase our devotion to God;

     Our ears are used to listen to the Word of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet, or to listen to the things useful knowledge that will facilitate our journey toward God desires;

     Oral we used to read the Word of God Almighty and His dhikr, or or to talk is good and right according to religion, or to do doing good and forbidding the evil, so that the law will grow lush religion;

     Hand we always used to help our brothers in Faith that if it needs help, or is used to write a science that can be taken advantage or to do something that God intended, so that was not understood widened steadily growing ideology and science

     Legs are used for walking to places that dirdoi God, not a God of wrath, so as to obtain a degree believers

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